Photo by: Nicolas J Leclercq on Unsplash

After meeting with my group last week, we have decided to shift focus slightly away from Digital Roleplay and focus more on Video Games in the classroom. We each chose one game or program to focus on and learn how it could be used in the classroom. My pick was Assassin’s Creed: Discovery Tour.

I decided to focus on this game for a few reasons. I am a huge fan of the Assassin’s Creed series and one of my favorite aspects of the games is an immersion into a detailed historical world. The games are well established and I think that is an advantage in terms of getting students to engage with the game. And finally, I have done a little bit of research into Discovery Tour previously and am excited by the potential it offers.

From here I plan to do more detailed research in the game in order to answer these questions in more detail:

  1. Has the game already been used in classrooms? If so, how?
  2. What are the potential uses for this game in the classroom?
  3. Does the game help students meet curricular competencies?
  4. Are there any issues or problems teachers should be aware of?
  5. What future applications does this game have?

I am looking forward to learning more about the game and how it can be used to promote learning.